Cloth Diaper Wipes

From the very get-go of cloth diapering, we have used cloth wipes. It was just not practical for me to use disposable wipes and throw them away, when the rest of my diaper was going in a diaper pail and then getting washed. So for me, it was a no brainer and an easy add-on to use cloth reusable wipes.

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Note-This post contains affiliate links, but you know I got your back and only share products I love and stand behind. I paid my own hard earned money on the products I mention, and want to share what I love.

What we use-

I made our original wipes from flannel receiving blankets that we got duplicates of at a baby shower, and three years later we are still using them. We have added some more wipes that I made from a yard of white flannel. I just cut the flannel into rectangular pieces (about 6×11 inches) and serged around a single layer of flannel. While I sergerd, I rounded the corners. Super easy, it just took me a couple of episodes of This Is Us to make over 70 of them. I used a coupon to get the flannel half off so it was less than $6 for 70 wipes, definitely worth the work. I wasn’t too picky or exact because, I mean… these are to wipe bums. I don’t exactly know how many we have all together (probably close to 125) but we have PLENTY, and it is nice because we never run out. I like having lots so that I don’t have to ration using them on super dirty diapers. We also use them to wipes booger noses, wipe down tables at restaurants and to handle spills while we are out and about and just about everything you would use disposable wipes for.

There are a ton of options out there if you don’t want to make your own, pretty much every cloth diaper company has their own. Another option is to buy from awesome little Etsy shops, I did a quick search and found a ton of great options. Like these minky ones…. WHAT!? Talk about luxurious. I have also heard of using baby washcloths for wipes, which is a super cheap option. I honestly like the flannel material better than a terrycloth material though, it is so much softer on bums (and faces).

mesh case / changing mat / glass spray bottle / wipes solution / wipes case 

Wet or dry?

We store our wipes dry and use bum spray at each diaper change. We love California Baby bum spray and started with probably 4 bottles of it. I like that it has a faint scent that isn’t overwhelming. I also like that it doesn’t leave any stickiness behind. Since we have a few bottles, we had it everywhere we needed it (changing table, diaper bag, night stand, changing basket down stairs). I really like the stuff!

We also got a free sample of Baby Bits in one of our diaper orders and we liked it so much that we bought a box and we use it to make our own diaper wipes spray. We bought the bits over 2 years ago and still have plenty. We just keep refilling the California Baby spray bottles. Recently, we added a few smaller glass bottles to our collection and we use those for the diaper bag. They fit better than the big California baby spray bottle and don’t take up as much room.

Baby Bits / Glass spray bottle 

You can easily use water instead of bum spray, but I honestly think the bum spray helps get the mess off easier, and it has essential oils that add a faint, natural, yummy and clean smell.

Storing wipes-

Some people keep their wipes pre-moistened and ready to go for diaper changes, and we tried that at first, but it wasn’t ideal. I felt like when we presoaked our wipes they would get mildewy and they had a gross smell to them. I could never get the number of wipes right that we needed and without fail, I would forget a wipes case here or there and find it a week or so later all molded and disgusting. Maybe you are more on top of it than me though and won’t forget!

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I like to store our wipes pre folded so they pop up just like disposables and we have 3-4 reusable wipes cases ready at all times littered around. I like these Huggies wipes cases because they are flexible and pack well. We have a few in the changing table, one in the diaper bag, and in random places we change diapers.

I keep things all packed together in a cosmetic bag and keep a bottle of bum spray with the wipes along with a changing pad. We actually have a few “sets” like this ready to go all the time, and always keep one stocked in the diaper bag that includes a few diapers. Target always has super cute and fun bags in their makeup section. How cute is this one? Or this one? Both are definitely on my wish list! We also have this one and use it ALL.THE.TIME. and not just for cloth diapers. I like that it is clear and you can easily see what is inside. Another great place to find cheap but great organizers is at places like TJMAXX or Ross.mesh case / changing mat / glass spray bottle / wipes solution / wipes case 

Using cloth wipes-

At diaper changes we wipe as much of the poop off as we can with the diaper and liner, and then spray a few sprays of the bum spray directly on the bum and wipe up the mess with a wipe or two… or three. Then we just take everything to the diaper pail (after we flush the poopy liner) and throw it in all together. I have never ever rinsed a wipe before throwing it in the diaper pail, and they always come out of the wash perfectly clean. If we are out and about, we keep the dirty diapers and wipes in a wet bag in the diaper bag and empty it into the diaper pail when we get home.

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When it is time to wash, we wash the diapers and wipes all together and they go through the same washing routine. The wipes are very rarely stained and always come out clean and fresh with no trace of poop. This is why cloth wipes are an easy addition to your cloth collection, it is hardly any extra work.

We hang the diapers to dry and throw the wipes in the dryer for a cycle. I have even accidentally added a drier sheet in before and I haven’t seen any problems with absorbency.

Cloth wipes are definitely an easy and practical edition to our routine, and I think they are something you could add to your modern cloth diapering routine too.

Other posts you might like:
Our cloth diaper changing table
My all time (super easy) favorite diaper 
poop and cloth diapers 

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